Daisuke Yokota's Teikai trilogy
Akina collection Daisuke Yokota Teikai
Published between 2014 and 2015, Daisuke Yokota's Teikai series has been the first monographic pubblication outside Japan for this important contemporary author. Published by Akina, it's composed by three volumes, released in trade and collector edition, each one with a different binding and printed on a different paper stock, each one with his special features. The firs book, Linger, is a softcover with japanese traditional binding. It's particularity stands on the cover printing technique: cover images are photosensible and will fade with time if exposed to light. A book to read in camera oscura! The second one, Wandering at midnight,...
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T&M Projects books just arrived!
Just arrived a batch of recommended books from the japanese T&M Projects. Anders Petersen's "Okinawa", Lieko Shiga's "Blind Date", Ayaka Yamamoto's "We are made of grass soil and trees", Yusuke Yamatani's "Into the light" and last but not least Hiroyuki Takenouchi's "The fourth wall".
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A load of japanese photobooks: Eiji Ohashi, Tokyo Rumando, Issei Suda, Hideka Tonomura, Takehiko Nakafuji, Masaki Yamamoto, Miyako Ishiuchi, Chieko Shiraishi, Maki.